Myth #2
More transitional rambling about the fact that my blog often stays unaltered for months at a time. If i look back at this , I see a pattern that is becoming even more clear. Cycle, periods of time where things are becoming just a little more clear. I wish i could get it all out in one fail swoop. There are thoughts, ideas, concepts whatever in my head that spring up fully formed and have very little need of refining. Those are easy, but it the more complex things that skip around the edges of my mind that bother me. I'm not saying that they are profound or grandiose. I'm not even saying that they would work. It's just that they exist in some type of shadow realm that I wish i could bring into the light and see them . Question come about in my mind...are these stray thoughts ones that should be pursued , developed, or are they just diversions away frm other ideas that are more concrete (dare i say important)
Notes on The Call- Chapter 3 "The Haunting Question"
0 comments Posted by RDA2 at 8/08/2009 09:32:00 AMI was recently given a surprise gift by a friend. It came in the form of a book, written by Oz Guinness , called simply "The Call". I mention this because I will probably be posting more than a few thoughts about this book. I am two and a half chapters in and it already has caused more valuable introspection than any book I have read in the last 8 years.
A several years i was lead to venture out of my normal spiritual practice and do something off the wall: Plant a church. This idea was met with seemingly equal amounts of support and scorn (I'm not sure what the percentage was). As my wife and i were thinking/discussing this idea, my oldest daughter came up with a question:
I came into the blogging world late. It is not something i do habitually because writing is not something i absolutely love to do. I have mentioned this in a different entry but it's rather difficult for me to let go and just write some things down. I remember a English Writing and Comp class i had at UT (Austin, of course) where the T.A. gave us an assignment. The assignment was to "free write" at least thirty minutes a day, but I could never get the hang of just sitting down and writing about whatever came to mind. I say all of this because current events in life require me to sit down (on a regular basis), and just write. This seemingly new thing for me will probably not help anyone else but it will be therapeutic for me. If you instend to read this, hang on. The ride could get bumpy (and if you're a literary critic, keep your comments to yourself :) )