More transitional rambling about the fact that my blog often stays unaltered for months at a time. If i look back at this , I see a pattern that is becoming even more clear. Cycle, periods of time where things are becoming just a little more clear. I wish i could get it all out in one fail swoop. There are thoughts, ideas, concepts whatever in my head that spring up fully formed and have very little need of refining. Those are easy, but it the more complex things that skip around the edges of my mind that bother me. I'm not saying that they are profound or grandiose. I'm not even saying that they would work. It's just that they exist in some type of shadow realm that I wish i could bring into the light and see them . Question come about in my mind...are these stray thoughts ones that should be pursued , developed, or are they just diversions away frm other ideas that are more concrete (dare i say important)


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